Wealth management

Wealth management

Wealth management
Wealth management
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Our aim is to grow your wealth over time. We believe that you need the right guidance and tools to help you shape your future.

Working with you, our team of professionals will develop, execute and monitor an investment portfolio designed for you, with effective risk management to achieve your goals, grow and preserve your wealth.

Your options:

  • Lumpsum:
    This is perfect if you’re looking to invest a medium to large amount of money all in one go, with the potential for higher returns in the long run.
  • EtihadSaver:
    Similar to a savings account, EtihadSaver allows you to dedicate a recurrent monthly amount and we’ll invest it for you to help you reach your financial goals.

Investment instruments

Your portfolio can be as diverse as you’d like it to be, we currently offer:

  • Mutual funds
  • Fixed income instruments (Bonds & Sukuk)
  • Equity shares in local, regional and international markets
  • ETFs
  • Dual Currency deposits (DCDs)
  • Physical gold and other precious metals
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Account analytics
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One tap payments
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Siri integration