Knowledge hub

CRIF report

CRIF report
Check your credit status in a few simple steps with our banking app. Follow the steps to get your CRIF credit report and access your financial details securely and effortlessly.
Start now!
Step 1 of 9
Tap on "Hub" located at the bottom of the main screen
Scroll down to the “Government Services” section, then tap on “CRIF report”.

Step 2 of 9
Tap on “Generate new CRIF”
You will be directed to the “Terms and Conditions” screen.

Step 3 of 9
Read the "Terms and Conditions" carefully
Once you’re done, tap on “Agree”, you will be directed to choose the account for payment

Step 4 of 9
Select the account you want the fees to be deducted from
You will be directed to the “Information” screen.

Step 5 of 9
Review your Personal details
After checking your personal details, tick the box to consent to sharing your information with CRIF, then tap on “Continue”.

Step 6 of 9
Enter the OTP (one-time password) you will receive via SMS
After entering the OTP, within a few seconds, your report will be generated.

Step 7 of 9
Tap on "Done"
You will be redirected to the screen showing your CRIF reports.

Step 8 of 9
You will receive a password via SMS that you will need to use shortly
You will be redirected to the screen showing your CRIF reports.

Step 9 of 9
Tap on “Download PDF” to save your CRIF report in your files or share it with others
To view the report after it has been downloaded, you will need to enter the password you received via SMS earlier.

Sign up now without fees
Manage your money anywhere, with secure mobile banking. Simply enter your mobile number and we’ll text you a download link so you can get it from the app store.
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