Knowledge hub

Postpone Loan payment

Postpone Loan payment now!
Our app allows you to postpone your loan payments right from the app, without visiting a branch. You will be able to see whether you are eligible to postpone your payment and the impact that would have on your monthly payments- no surprises!
Start now!
Step 1 of 4
Move to the “loan” page from the main screen
You will be directed to a screen that shows your available loans

Step 2 of 4
Tap on the loan you want to postpone it's payment
You will be directed to the loan settings screen, containing your loan details.
If you are eligible for the postponement a “ Delay payment “ button will appear
If you are eligible for the postponement a “ Delay payment “ button will appear

Step 3 of 4
Click on "Delay payment "
You will be directed to your "Delay payment preview" screen. The preview will show you a summary of your new loan payment amount and the increase resulting from delaying the payment.

Step 4 of 4
Tap on the "Confirm" button
Once you review your loan details, tap on the "Confirm" button to complete the action.

Sign up now without fees
Manage your money anywhere, with secure mobile banking. Simply enter your mobile number and we’ll text you a download link so you can get it from the app store.
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