Knowledge hub

Generate Statements

Generate statements
Want to generate a statement for an account? This guide will show you how to create statements in your preferred language and for your desired time period.
Get your statement now!
Step 1 of 4
Click on “Accounts” from the toolbar on the left side of the screen
Select “All transactions” from the drop-down list. You will be directed to “All transactions” screen.

Step 2 of 4
Click on “Get balance statement” located at the top right of the screen
You will be directed to the “Generate statement” popup window.

Step 3 of 4
Select the File Format
Select the file format, account, language, and time period for the statement you want to generate, then click on “Generate statement” to submit your request. You will be directed to access a link to download the PDF file.

Step 4 of 4
Download Statement
Click on “Download statement” to access a link where you can download the PDF file. If you selected Excel as the format, the file will be sent to the email address in our database.

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